Sunday, October 12, 2008

:: Daniel Boulud's Sea Bass ::

I made Daniel Boulud's, apparently, classic potato-wrapped sea bass. It turned out to be rather easy to make and okay tasty. I need a better nonstick pan to make the potato more crispy. And I need to try the real thing to know what exactly it's supposed to taste like.

Here's what I did that's not exactly according to the recipe. Oh what a rebel I am.
  • Used haddock as opposed to sea bass. Only because Whole Foods only had normal sea bass's Chilean cousin today and I wasn't ready to shell out $23/lb for it.
  • No butter. None, zero, nada.
  • My Barolo sauce was much simplified due to laziness. To begin with, I didn't even use Barolo because apparently they cost around $50 a bottle. I skipped most of the ingredients and only put shallots and thyme in the wine. After all that work, I decided the fish tasted fine without the sauce. But whatever, there's wine for me to drink, so cheers to that.
Thanks to Kendrick for sharing the video :)

:: Awesome live (and free!) concert ::

Saw these amazing performers at Harvard Square today. I stood there listening for ages, but only got my acts together to take a video of it at the very end...